Koleksi Ucapan Birthday Paling Rare

Salam sejahtera semua :)
Disini saya kongsikan kepada anda semua koleksi ucapan birthday yang paling rare.
Ucapan Birthday Paling Rare
Earlier I wished that your entire wish comes true this year. Then I thought that if your all dreams come true this year. Then there will be no dream left for Next year.
Today, on this day that has a sole purpose of celebrating your birthday, I would like to wish you that everything you ever dreamed of comes true. May your dreams burn brighter than the fire in the candles of your birthday cake! Happy birthday!
Hari ini, hari untuk meraikan ulang tahun anda, saya ingin mengucapkan semoga semua inpian anda menjadi kenyataan. Semoga impian anda terbakar lebih cerah daripada api di lilin kek hari jadi anda! Selamat Hari lahir!
May Allah bless you with a long life! This is my sincere prayer to Allah on your birthday.
Semoga Allah memberkati anda dengan umur yang panjang! Ini adalah doa ikhlas saya kepada Allah pada hari lahir kamu.
A friend like you is rare. Indeed, You’re there for me in times of need, That’s why on this, you’re a special day, You’re wished the best in every way.
Nothing is worst in the world than forgetting your birthday and I am glad that I did not forget. Happy birthday!
Tiada yang paling teruk di dunia daripada melupakan hari lahir anda dan saya gembira kerana saya tidak lupa. Selamat hari lahir!
My wish for you is that you become whatever you want to be. Happy birthday to you, dear.
A friend like you is more priceless than the most beautiful diamond. You are not only reliable and wise but kind and thoughtful as well. This day is the perfect opportunity to show you much I care and how grateful I am to have you in my life. Happy Birhtday!
May your memories today be awesome, your dreams become a reality, your joy last forever. Have a wonderful birthday.
I’m so glad you were born because you brighten my life and fill it with joy. Wishing you a day filled with love and cheer. Hoping your day will be as unique as you are. Happy Birthday!
You are slowly getting to the top of everything. It is better than staying Ideal. Have a Happy Birthday which is also top of the world.
There is no one who will ever amount to me as much as you did, wish a wonderful birthday to you!
May the Lord up in heaven continue watching you over the years, as you grow a year older.