Koleksi Ucapan Hari Lahir Untuk Abang

Abang adalah insan yang mempunyai banyak kenangan bersama kita terutamanya ketika zaman kanak-kanak. Abang juga yang sentiasa support kita, sentiasa melindungi kita seperti superhero.
So, bila tiba birthday abang takkan tidak wish langsung kan? Kalau boyfriend/girlfriend bukan main bersedia jam 12 tengah malam untuk wish wkwkw. Jadi disini saya akan kongsikan kepada anda semua, koleksi ucapan birthday untuk Abang tersayang anda.
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Ucapan Hari Lahir Untuk Abang (Bahasa Melayu)
Abang saya yang paling kacak, Selamat hari jadi. Semoga sentiasa berjaya dalam hidup.
Selamat ulang tahun abang, hari ini adalah hari yang paling bahagia untuk abang. Semoga hidup abang setiasa diberkati Tuhan. Tetaplah menjadi abang yang terbaik untuk adik.
Umur bukanlah jarak yang membuat kita jauh, namun saya harap dengan bertambahnya umur abang, abang akan jadi abang yang lebih baik.
Saya sedar abang adalah insan yang memahami setiap luahan perasaan saya. Semoga abangku sentiasa diberkati Tuhan.
Ucapan Birthday Untuk Abang (Bahasa Inggeris)
The best day of the year has arrived. So, let us celebrate it with a lot of joy. Happy birthday, bro!
Dear bro, you are precious and irreplaceable. Wishing you a very happy birthday.
An elder brother is the best teacher and guide in the world. Dear brother, thanks for all the guidance and words of wisdom. Happy birthday!
Though even the sun will one day run out of fuel, my love for you shall last forever. Happy Birthday, dear brother.
You know what, I feel so proud to have a brother like you. You are my best friend. On this special day, I want to say you, Happy Birthday Brother.
You are my mentor and supporter in every sphere of life. I am indebted to you beyond repayment and I wish you the very best on this special day.
May every day of your life be blessed with rays of hope, joy, love, and sunshine. Happy Birthday, Brother!
My dear brother, I wish you a very happy and joyful year ahead. May God love and care you, as you did for me. May you live a long and beautiful life. Happy Birthday.
Wishing you a life full of health, wealth and fantastic moments now and forever. Happy Birthday, brother!
I consider myself a very lucky person because I found the best friend in my brother. You are a true inspiration to me, happy birthday!
Thank you for my great childhood memories. Here’s to many more memories to come. Happy Birthday to the world’s greatest brother!
I don’t like to be too sentimental, but today is your birthday and you have always been my rock that I can lean on when I need advice. Happy birthday and many more to come.
Semoga bermanfaat. Sekian.