Tips Lulus Speaking Muet Dengan Mudah
Anda bakal menghadapi test speaking muet? Dalam artikel ini, saya akan kongsikan kepada anda tips speaking muet supaya anda boleh lulus dengan mudah.

Untuk pengetahuan semua, test untuk speaking muet ini, anda akan dibahagikan kepada 4 orang iaitu candidates A, candidates B, candidates C dan candidates D. Terdapat dua bahagian dalam Test Speaking iaitu Task A: Individual presentation dan Task B: Group discussion.
Tips Speaking Muet

Berikut merupakan tips untuk speaking muet.
Tips Speaking Muet Task A: Individual presentation
- Baca soalan yang diberikan dan faham soalan tersebut
- Anda akan diberi 2 minit untuk fikirkan isi bagi soalan yang anda dapat. Isi tu anda boleh tulis atas kertas nanti.
- Anda akan diberi 2 minit untuk present, masa ni cakaplah apa anda mahu cakap. Isi tu biar bagi betullah dengan soalan.
- Sila hormat pada candidates lain semasa mereka present, dan take note isi dari candidates lain, sebab nanti isi itu boleh digunakan untk TASK B.
Ok sekarang sudah boleh bayangkan macam mana kan? jadi sekarang saya akan bagi contoh ayat yang anda boleh guna dalam presentation nanti.
- Good morning to everyone.
- Good morning I bid to one and all.
- Good morning to the examiners and all candidates.
- A very good morning I wish to all examinerS and fellow candidates.
- Today we are talking about…
- The situation I have been given is…
- According to the situation…
- Based on the situation given…
- I would like to give 3 reasons for my point which is…
- There are 3 reasons to support my point which is…
- My point is ________ so to elaborate I would like to discuss 3 reasons.
- I think that ____________ is the best idea.
- Firstly, I think that…This is because.. Moreover,... For example,…
- Secondly, another reason is… In addition,… For instance,…
- Finally, in my opinion…Furthermore,… A good example is...
- In conclusion, this is the best point because…
- To conclude, I still agree that…
- In a nutshell, I feel that…
- In short, my idea is the best because…
Tips Speaking Muet Task B: Group discussion
- Anda akan diberi 2 minit untuk sediakan isi TASK B, pilihlah antara 4 option yang anda rasa boleh untuk huraikan masa discussion. Guna option or soalan anda sendiri pun boleh. Tiada masalah.
- Selepas itu, anda akan diberi 10 minit untuk bincang. Masa ini anda kena pandai berinteraksi dalam 4 orang kumpulan anda nanti. Tolong jangan diam sahaja, cakap dan bincang macam anda bersembang dengan member anda. Cuma dalam test SPEAKING MUET ni kena lah cakap bahasa inggeris.
Boleh fahamkan? jadi sekarang saya akan kongsikan ayat yang anda boleh gunakan untuk TASK B.
- Good morning, thank you for coming, shall we start?
- Thank you all for coming,,right lets begin..
- Thanks for being here,,may i have your attention please..
- First, let’s tackle the issue of
- Today we are meeting to discuss
- Let’s talk about the problem of
- We’re here to talk about
- I agree with you
- That’s a great idea!
- I see your point!
- I’m sorry but I disagree
- That’s not a good idea/suggestion.
- I’m afraid I have to disagree with your idea.
- Excuse me, may I interrupt please.
- I’d like to add something please.
- May I say something?
- So what do you think, Candidate X?
- How about your point of view?
- Candidate X, would you like to give us your opinion?
- Does anyone agree with me?
- Why don’t we consider the other points?
- I don’t understand, can you please repeat?
- Any suggestions?
- In conclusion, ALL OF US agree that…
- To conclude, MOST OF US agree that…
- In a nutshell, SOME OF US agree that…while SOME OF US prefer…
- As time is running out, it seems that ALL OF US CAN’T AGREE on which option is the best because each point has many advantages and disadvantages.
Jadi, itulah tips-tips untuk lulus speaking muet. Semoga berguna dan bermanfaat untuk anda semua yang bakal mengambil ujian speaking muet. Sekian.